My Invisible Cities Reflective Statement

Over the Invisible Cities project, I would definitely say that I have learned a lot of important lessons that will help me in future projects. Firslty, I've found that research and reference are an essential factor when coming up with ideas, and that using other's work for inspiration is much more helpful than trying to create ideas from scratch. Anything and everything can help you, and that is something I will remember, as it has been really important over this project when it came to creating ideas and making them more believable with reference and research. I also improved massively over photoshop, gaining stronger knowledge and confidence when using it, and I really enjoyed creating thumbnails and my final shots on it. I now know a significant amount compared to what I did before about colours and which ones work together, and what can be done in order to create good looking cinematography. I have not only gained a lot of confidence in the tools I have used, but also a lot of confidence in putting the time and work into a project, although my time management is something I could have been a bit more organised with at times. Drawing environments is something I hadn't done before this project, so being able to focus purely on that has broadened my perspective skills and environmental skills. I feel a lot more confident in drawing environments and using photoshop, which I think is impressive over the amount of time this project has been. I have surprised myself with some of the work and I think it is because I pushed myself to make something that was interesting to me, instead of just doing it because it was what I was meant to do. I had a lot of fun doing this project, and found that a lot of time went into thumbnails and photoshop, because I found it quite therapeutic. What I have learned in this project is what I will take on into the next, which excites me and makes me feel quite confident. I know there are skills I need to improve on in general after this project, but overall I am happy to have enjoyed it and feel I have learned a lot of new artistic skills that will expand my capabilities in future.
