What If? Metropolis: Online Greenlight Review


  1. OGR 22/11/17

    Hey Frankie - once again, your actual commitment to pushing your ideas forward conceptually - and in pure design terms - impresses. I don't quite have the fullest picture of your final shot, but I like your 'hero buildings' in terms of both how 'Lalique' they are, and also how 'architectural' - I think you've balanced those two emphases successfully. I like the implied complexity of the surfaces and how they create a proper sense of scale too.

    A couple of things then: one, I'd like to see you being suitably ambitious in regards to the matte painting, so really using it to extend the set, as opposed to opting for just a cloudscape or similar - there is an art of matching the lighting and style between the digital set and the matte painting and I'd like to see you get into that. I also want to see you tidy up your orthographs and I'd encourage you to think about using Illustrator and the pen tool etc to polish them up (in the same way you turned your 'monster sketch' into a more professionalised image with Simon).

    One of your big art-meets-technology challenges with this project is going to be conveying the translucency etc of your various buildings. Maya can do 'glassy' stuff really quick, but it can often look very 'mass produced' and off-the-peg, so it would be good to see you investigating ways to create the 'impression' of glass etc without opting for 'Maya glass' etc. I'm sure Simon/Jordan will be able to advise.

    Create an @Phil when you've got the rest of your production art together and I'll look forward to seeing it.


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