From Script to Screen final step outline

Film begins with Gerald on the cruise ship, sitting in his cabin alone. He glances down at his cruise ship ticket and then looks up at the lightbulb in his room.

Camera zooms into the light bulb until covering screen, then zooms back out of a surgery light to reveal a flashback of him operating on a patient in the surgery room. Gerald begins to unwrap bandages wrapped around patients face. A series of back and fourth close up shots are used. Once last bandage is removed, Gerald reacts with a shocked and terrified look on his face. Camera cuts to extreme close up, then a camera flashes, followed by zooming out to reveal Gerald in newspaper.

Zooms out enough to show Gerald in a café reading paper headline about himself, claiming the known plastic surgeon is missing. Gerald is clothed as if to disguise himself from the public. He sees cruise ship advertisement on other page. Camera zooms in on image of cruise ship which is now real again, and in present time.

Sound of glass smashing causes Gerald to snap out of his trance, becoming aware of the injured mermaid in his room. After reacting to her, he proceeds to operate on her injuries. Hours pass and he finally fixes her. He puts a flower in her hair and she thanks him. After Gerald has saved her he lets her go back into the sea. Gerald sits on his bed feeling motivated and happy again, he glances up at the lightbulb again.

Camera zooms in until screen is covered in light, then zooms out again to reveal surgery room, this time it has jumped forward in time. Gerald unwraps patient's face and does a good job. As Gerald smiles proudly, another newspaper headline is shown, revealing his triumphant return to his profession.
