@Alan Minor - Corrective Blend Shape Problem

I have attempted to start creating the pose space deformers multiple times now, and I keep getting the same issue no matter how I try to fix it or do it differently. When I go from smoothed to non-smoothed mode the geometry jumps majorly out of place, and I have to scrub through the timeline in order to see the original mesh, and come out of edit mode in some cases, just to see the result of my actual blend shape. While I've tried to carry on and just consider it a viewport issue, the more blend shapes I add the more the geometry is interfered with whenever I attempt to make the next one. It is now getting to a point where creating a simple blend shape is extremely difficult, because whenever the geometry is slightly shifted it jumps out of place and displays it falsely, ultimately giving me poor results. I cannot find a solution online for this and I don't know how to proceed, as the more blend shapes I try to add the worse it gets. 
