Minor - Skinning Complete (Alien)

I have now completed the skinning for my character's body, which has taken me much longer than I had expected. Though my most severe issue was with the geometry when creating pose space deformers, I found ways to fix the damages it would do to my model and a lot of the vertices, only the process for these fixes was a very lengthy one, and very repetitive. However, I managed to create the pose space deformers that I needed, it just took extra time to do so. I also worked on the issues I had in the character's hands, with the length of the fingers and how this made it difficult to create a fist, as well as collapsing in the knuckles and finger joints. To overcome this, I used a combination of extra hand joints as well as pose space deformers in the fingers. I am now much happier with the result, and more confident that the character will be able to achieve convincing hand shapes. I also worked on the lower spine, making it so that if the character leans left/right then the clothing above their belt would crease as a result. I applied pose space deformers to the lower body too, including the ankle. Overall, I am happy to finally move on from the skinning stage for this character, as I know I've spent much time into enhancing the model's capabilities for movement and posing, which I am now satisfied with. Despite this, I will learn from this experience in future and remind myself that this stage can take time, especially when considering unexpected problems that may arise, along with the fact that each character is different, and will require more attention in specific places than other characters might.
