Perspectives - Word definitions

Normativity: A standard set to evaluate and make judgments regarding behaviors and actions in society. Determining desirable and undesirable choices with to lead a direction for others to follow.

Binary opposition: A pair of related terms which are essentially the opposite to one another, although one is always portrayed as better or more dominant over the other one. It is a problematic system that has crawled into the subconscious of society through history.

Deconstruction: A way of means in analyzing and breaking down a writing with intent to reverse the binary oppositions in terms of their level of dominance. 

Différance: An outlook regarding the relationship between words and meanings, suggesting that words can never fully define what they're describing.

Reinscribe: To reestablish or redefine something in a more solid context to what it was previously. 

Cognitive dissonance: A mental discomfort that comes from an individual who has a belief of something, which is then contradicted by new evidence perceived by that person. 

Judith Butler: An American philosopher and gender theorist who has influenced feminists and literary theory. Her ideas argue that gender should consist of the individuals views, experiences and emotions, despite gender performance being established by society over the years. She views sex as biological while viewing gender as a cultural interpretation, differentiating the two from one another.    
