@alan @phil Premise - Further Idea Exploration

I have taken some time to further explore a couple of my ideas. Although I have only thought more into two so far, I will probably still consider the possibility of the others and explore them more. I have chosen these two to think more deeply into first, as they have personally stood out to me the most and I can already visualize some of the shots and elements of the story that they might have. So far, I can make more sense of them and have been able to build more strongly from their starting points than I have been able to with the others. In addition to that, I also feel that these two ideas are more meaningful to me personally, and I have a lot more excitement and vision towards them both.

Mountain Climb Idea
  • The mountain and process of climbing it is metaphorical for life, pursuing hopes and dreams, trying to escape the endless prison that is life, and being willing to sacrifice everything for the chance to find something better.
  • The top of the mountain is meant to provide a means of escape for them from the island, either physically or internally.
  • At the top there could be a number of things, including a spacecraft, helicopter that rescues them, a god-like pedestal, a new perception of the world, evolution that transforms them into something new and more powerful like a God or complex species, a black hole/portal, or a dark and unexpected fate.
  • I thought that possibly while on the mountain, when/after the wife gives birth to their son, she dies. After the main character is at his lowest point and lays down to die, the crying of his newly born son forces him to get up and keep on going, to ultimately provide him with a new life. When the father finally gets to the top with his son, he becomes very weak and dies from exhaustion. This leaves the son with whatever is at the top, granting him something better for his life. Although the main character and his wife might die, it shows the idea that the mountain is unforgiving and merciless, and that it doesn't care how hard you work or how bad you want something. It also shows that the main character would rather die in search for a better future, than live his life doing what everyone else is doing, as if that is all he is capable of in life. 
  • The drive and motivation to climb the mountain is mainly metaphorical for the world today, and being fed up with limiting yourself to a job and lifestyle that you feel you deserve better than. This outlook is what initiates the climb, as it is basically a refusal to bow down to the norms of the world's society and limits, and a refusal to settle for an unhappy job/career just to survive in life.
Alien Idea
  • The idea that the alien is on Earth represents being different and feeling out of place from everyone else. 
  • The fact that they are unaware of how they got to Earth in the first place and that they lack self awareness of their species and origins, plays with the idea that the world doesn't make full sense, and they have no idea about their purpose or meaning in the world, which frustrates them even more. 
  • Although the character first has good intentions, the way he is treated by the world creates pessimism in his mind. 
  • The character possesses some simple powers that nobody notices, and they are simple because he doesn't quite know what they mean or how to control them.
  • He becomes an outcast and begins to turn his back on more and more things in life, such as hope, his job, and positive attitude. During this, he is more open about using his powers and they become a bit stronger.
  • Throughout his entire life, he keeps seeing a symbol that he can't decipher. 
  • As he gets older he still sees it everywhere that he goes, but more and more often. He sees it so much that it starts to damage his mental state and confuse him mentally. 
  • Perhaps it can be at his lowest point in the story, when he can finally read the symbol properly. 
  • The symbol's message could be telling him that he is on Earth for a specific reason, which is to wipe out the entire race.
  • He could possibly be in a hospital, mental asylum, prison or even just in a quiet spot on his own. I think if he is in some kind of solitary confinement or hospital bed, then he is stripped of everything and appears more powerless before the symbol's meaning is revealed. This should hopefully cause a stronger impact on the mood, as this immense level of power and control is given to him at his most powerless moment, causing the shift to be more effective. Perhaps he could break out from the place he is in at that moment, effortlessly destroying everybody that tries to conceal him. 
  • If I give a sense of potential hope for the character and story leading up to this part, then this shift to a much darker and unforgiving tone of the film should have a much stronger impact and come as more of a shock. I think it could be interesting for the story to suddenly and unexpectedly, step into a different and more dangerous territory.
