Thesis Proposal - Initial Ideas

I have been struggling quite a lot to figure out a starting point for my Thesis, and after a lot of thought they are still quite vague or unclear.

Normativity in Film/Genre/Story - My first starting point is Normativity in Film/Genre/Story. With this I feel there is quite a broad range that could be explored. For example, With this I was thinking how norms have been developed, regarding how films, TV and story should be. From this I was considering exploring third act twists, and how intelligent screenplay and storytelling can allow these to work. I could also highlight how nowadays it is more of a challenge to achieve successful and unique storytelling, because of how the growing Normativity causes audiences to sometimes expect to be shocked/surprised, greatly increasing their awareness and inspection of what might happen.

Sexual Representation in Film - My second idea has derived from a couple of the Film Reviews that I did in first year, these are Jaws and Alien. For these, I wrote about sexual representation through the film's set design and monster design. I discussed them as stories that play with our sexual anxieties as a means to excel discomfort and ultimately make the film and its monsters more terrifying. I found this very interesting to discuss, and I feel that to expand on this topic so much further could be more exciting and in depth. 
