Thesis Proposal OGR

Thesis Proposal OGR by on Scribd


  1. Dear Frankie,
    Your research looks good so far. I’ve got some suggestions for relevant films and further reading below:
    First off, looking at your subject it strikes me that it would be worth investigating the Greek body horror film Teeth, which is built around the idea of vagina dentata and the monstrous feminine. We have a copy of the film on DVD that you can request from Farnham:Teeth
    In terms of reading I’ve picked out a few book chapters that deal specifically with the gendered and psychological aspects of the Alien series:
    Alien zone cultural theory and contemporary science fiction cinema - ‘Feminism and anxiety in Alien’
    Alien zone II the spaces of science-fiction cinema - ‘Becoming the monster’s mother morphologies of identity in the Alien series’
    Horror film reader. - ‘Monsters as (uncanny) metaphors Freud, Lakoff and the representation of monstrosity in cinematic horror’
    Finally, do check out the Library’s online journal search. This is a link to an example search:alien gender ripley - in particular ‘Between friends and enemies: Ridley Scott's Alien’ and ‘Deactivating Feminism: Sigourney Weaver, James Cameron, and Avatar’ look useful.
    If you need anything else, you can reach me via or email to arrange a tutorial.


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